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Intelligence can be short-circuited by early indoctrination. Democracy is sold in public (govt.) schools and the MSM as if it were a magic path to freedom, liberty and prosperity. It is the opposite. It is the product of manufactured opinion by the rulers, as sometimes becomes apparent like with the massive Bank Bailout of ’08 which transferred trillions of public money to private bankers with less than 1% public support. The MSM watched and said nothing.

When the public wise up coercive govt. will be boycotted. Do you call that democracy? Does that prove democracy works? Presently, the brainwashing of the public has led to democratic self-enslavement. Democracy, i.e., public consensus, can be right or wrong. But it’s not magic. When it’s wrong and enforced by violence, it will destroy the whole society. That’s why force has to be stopped and individual choice embraced. That’s how society can learn from trial & error without total social catastrophe. It’s only logical.

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